Braid Take Down

Braid Take Down My hair was braided in November 2010. It's only been 2 months but I missed my own natural hair and wanted to take them down. My hair was beginning to look fuzzy and starting to lock. Though the video is just over 8 minutes, the braid take down process took me about 3 days! Before taking the braids down: 1. Cut as much extension hair as I could without cutting my own hair. 2. I clarified my hair with an apple cider vinegar rinse. My mix was 50% ACV and 50% water. I made sure to concentrate on the roots where the matting takes place. 3. I conditioned hair with Infusium 23 conditioner. Rinsed. 3. Sectioned hair to keep it organized chaos. 4. Unbraided my hair. 5. When I got to the root, the matted part, I discovered that spraying a mixture of ACV and water helped to melt the tangles. Therewas shed hair on each braid. But we shed loose hair daily so the amount "lost" did not alarm me since my hair has been put away for 2 months. Having braids made me realize that I am NOT length obsessed. Long hair almost got on my nerves falling into my eyes and tickling my shoulders. Ugh! It may be different if it were my own but it was almost too much. I did enjoy the protective style though. I can't tell whether my hair will show any growth or not.

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